Yom HaShoa
Yom HaZikaron
Yom HaAtzmaut
Israeli Wars
The English Translation of Yom HaShoa
What is Holocaust (Remembrance) Day
Yom HaZikaron is a day of... (celebration or commemoration)
What is commemoration?
The English translation of Yom HaAtzmaut
What is Independence Day?
This war occurred from May 1948 - July 1949
What is the Independence War?
The name used to refer to Yom HaAtzmaut by anti-Israel pro-Palestinian people - literally means catastrophe in arabic
What is Nakba
Hitler democratically came to power in this year
What is 1933?
The special tradition that takes place at the sound of a horn in Israel the day of Yom Hazikaron. How many times does it happen?
What is At the sound of the horn, Israelis stop what they’re doing (including driving, working, listening to music, etc) and pause for a moment of silence. There are two horns: one for the moment of silence to begin the Memorial Day, the other immediately prior to the recitation of prayers ?
The person who declared the State of Israel's independence
Who is David Ben Gurion?
In this war; previous cease-fire lines were replaced by new ones, with Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Sinai peninsula and the Golan Heights under Israel's control. As a result, the northern villages were freed from 19 years of recurrent Syrian shelling; the passage of Israeli and Israel-bound shipping through the Straits of Tiran was ensured; and Jerusalem, which had been divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule since 1949, was reunified under Israel's authority.
What is the 6 day war (1967)
The fighting force in Israel pre-independence that would later become the IDF
What is the Haganah
A famous massive coordinated attack in Nazi controlled areas that occurred on November 9th 1938
What is Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass)?
Is this a religious or secular day? Why?
What is Secular. This day is meant to commemorate people in Israel who have died for their countries’ safety- something that almost all Israelis (not just Jews) can identify with. It is a day of commemoration created by the government for the whole country to recognize, not specifically for Jewish people * although not a religious day, many people read prayers to commemorate and ceremonies take place at the Kotel
The main character of the 1996 film Independence Day
Who is Will Smith?
In this war; Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated surprise assault against Israel (6 October 1973), with the Egyptian army crossing the Suez Canal and Syrian troops penetrating the Golan Heights. Two years of difficult negotiations between Israel and Egypt and between Israel and Syria resulted in disengagement agreements, according to which Israel withdrew from parts of the territories captured during the war.
What is The Yom Kippur War
The main fighting unit of the Haganah, largely made up of Kibbutznikim (including many shomrim)
What is the Palmach?
The only person to ever be given the death penalty in Israel after being caught by the Mossad in Argentina, known as "the architect of the Holocaust" he was in charge of the various deportations to work and extermination camps
Who is Adolph Eichmann?
The people we honour on Yom HaZikaron
Who are people who have died in service or protection Israel (the army, intelligence, police), the pre-state Jewish underground, and victims of terrorism. Yom Hazikaron is a day that is meant to recognize that Israel would not exist without the service of loyal soldiers and citizens?
The location of the annual Yom HaAtzmaut ceremony in Israel
What is Mount Herzl?
The war in Gaza launched December 27th 2008
What is Operation Cast Lead?
The plan to create two sates in Israel - one for Jews and one for Arabs, pre-independence
What is the UN Partition Plan?
The 6 extermination camps generally recognized in accounts of the holocaust - all located in occupied Poland
What is Auschwitz 2, Chelmo, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec?
The way the date is chosen and its significance...
What is It takes place on the fourth day of the Jewish month, Iyar, unless this lands on Shabbat or a Sunday. This is the day directly before Yom Ha’aztmaut which gives it much more meaning because it is important to recognize the struggles and losses that have made it possible for us to be able to celebrate Israel’s independence
The exact Hebrew calendar date of Yom HaAtzmaut
What is the 5th of Iyar (5708)?
1987 and 2000
What is the years of the first and second intifadas
An Israeli military operation during the 1947-1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine. Lasting from 5-20 April 1948, its objective was to open up the Jerusalem road that was blockaded by Palestinian Arabs and to supply food and water to the Jewish community of Jerusalem. It was the first major Haganah operation and the first step of Plan Dalet whose aim was to secure the area allotted to the Jews by the 1947 UN Partition Plan. The operation was carried out by the Givati and Harel Brigades. It was during this operation that the Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, where around 107 Palestinian villagers, including women and children, were killed by Irgun and Lehi fighters
What is Operation Nachshon?