Which of these produces heat? a. friction b. magnetic attraction c. recycling d. a thermometer
What is a. friction?
Which would show the HIGHEST temperature reading on a thermometer? a. hot tap water b. cold tap water c. an ice cube d. hot tap water with an ice cube added
What is a. hot tap water?
Your neighbor wants to keep her home warm in winter. What could she do to help? a. Keep the windows open. b. Add insulation to the home. c. Open her refrigerator door. d. Turn on the air conditioner.
What is b. Add insulation to the home?
Which of these will a magnet attract? a. glass bottle b. iron nail c. pencil d. basketball
What is b. iron nail?
What happens to hot soup when you put it into a refrigerator?
What is it gets cold?
Four roofing shingles made of different materials sit in the sun all day. The one that gets the HOTTEST is the one that a. holds the sun's energy the most. b. is the best insulator. c. has the most friction d. is magnetic.
What is a. holds the sun's energy the most?
Four students put hot soupin thermos bottles before they go to school. At lunchtime, they open the bottles. One student finds he has cold soup. What might be different about his bottle? a. It conducts heat better. b. It absorbs heat better. c. It has better insulation. d. It is bigger.
What is a. It conducts heat better?