Paul Revere learned from his father how to make goods from silver. What kind of productive resource are the skils that Paul Revere learned?
What is human resource?
Paul Revere had a large family. He started several businesses during his life in order to make money. Paul Revere can be described as...
What is an entrepreneur?
Boston Harbor was important to many colonists because it was where...
What is where goods were traded?
The exchange of goods between Great Britian and the colonies that is described in the passage is an example of economic...
What is interdependence?
Many British colonists in North America joined groups and clubs to talk about their work or to discuss political ideas. Paul Revere was a member of the Sons of Liberty, which was an organization whose members...
What is believed in freedom for the colonies?
Great Britian ruled its colonies in America. Sometimes the British treated the colonies unfairly. Some Americans became angry when Britain raised money to pay for the services it provided to its citizens. The colonists in America disliked Britain's rule because the colonists were not given choices about...
What is what would be taxed?
Colonists protested British taxes in many ways. They decided to boycott tea, which meant they would...
What is stop buying tea?
Paul Revere loved his liberty and wanted to help the colonists gain independence from British rule. He is best described as a...
What is a patriot?
The place where the British troops and the colonists battled?
What is Concord?
Because of Paul Revere's warning on April 18th, the colonists in Lexington and Concord were able to...
What is get their guns to fight the British?
Paul Revere felt that the role of the government was to...
What is allow people to make decisions?
Paul Revere worked hard to take care of his family. His hard work dislayed te positive character trait of...
What is diligence?
Americans today vote to choose their leaders to represent them and their ideas. This type of government is the same as the government that Paul Revere believed was important. This government plan is called a...
What is representative democracy?
If Paul Revere had not warned the colonists, then today...
What is the British might still rule?
Paul Revere's occupation.
What is a silversmith?
Paul Revere belonged to a group who believed that the colonists should be free of British rule?
What is the Sons of Liberty?
The name given to people who thought the colonies should be free of British rule?
What are patriots?
The name of the item Paul Revere made to celebrate Massachusetts leaders vote against a British law that many colonists thought was unfair.
What is the Liberty Bowl?
What did the government due to raise money?
What is put taxes on goods sold in the colonies?
The protest against the tax on tea.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
The battle at Lexington was the first battle of the...
What is the American Revolution?
When the American Revolution ended, the thirteen colonies had...
What is gained their independence?
When the thirteen colonies gained their independence, they formed a new country...
What is the United States of America?
Paul Revere would place a lantern in the North Church to warn that the British were coming. What was his signal for the lanterns?
What is "one by land and two by sea?"
Paul Revere's partner during the midnight rides.
Who is William Dawes?