Types of Heat Transfer
What kind of material?

The energy that is created when a substance heats up.

What is thermal energy?


The movement of heat between objects that are directly touching each other. An example of this is burning your finger on a hot metal pan on the stove.

What is conduction?


A material that can transfer and absorb heat very easily, such as metals or water.

What is a conductor?


The super tiny building blocks that make up all things in the universe. In hotter substances these are very far apart and move very quickly, but in colder substances they are very close together and move slowly.

What are particles?


The movement of heat within gases and liquids. The hotter particles rise and expand, and the colder particles fall down and get denser. An example of this is the air in a hot air balloon.

What is convection?


A material that cannot transfer and absorb heat very easily.

What is an insulator?


When the thermal energy in a hotter substance moves or transfers to a colder substance to warm it up. There are 3 different types of this that we have learned about.

What is heat transfer?


Heat created by electromagnetic waves (or heat waves) traveling through the air. When these waves touch an object, the waves move heat (or thermal energy) to that object. An example of this is getting sunburnt by the sun's UV rays.

What is radiation?


Metals (such as gold, steel, and copper) as well as water are this kind of material that gets hot easily.

What are conductors?


Invisible energy moving from one point to another through the air (or a liquid). These can be seen in water (to help people surf), in light (to help us see), or in sound (to help us hear).

What are waves?


When there is convection heat transfer happening within within a gas or a liquid, the cycle of hotter particles rising and colder particles falling in a circular motion is called ____.

What is a convection current?


Plastic, wool/fabric, wood, paper, glass, and ceramic are all this kind of material that doesn't get hot easily, but can keep other things hot.

What is an insulator?
