What feature of a plant stops large animals from eating it?
What is the plant's sharp thorns?
A black bear's heartrate slows down during the winter. This happens because the bear is...
What is hibernating?
How do a plant's roots help the plant?
What is roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil?
In which Georgia habitat are you most likely to find cattails, waterlilies, and leopard frogs?
What is a pond in the coastal plains?
What feature helps a bird survive in cold winters?
What is it migrates?
How does the pelican adapt to its environment?
What is has a large beak for scooping up prey?
Which adaptation do pine trees have for staying green year-round?
What is they have thin needles with a waxy coating?
Which is the BEST example of an adaptation used for protection from predators? a. a beaver's wide tail b. a snake's leathery skin. c. a skunk's strong-smelling spray. d. a woodpecker's strong beak.
What is a skunk's strong-smelling spray?
In which region of Georgia would you find rolling hills, hickory and oak forests, and river valleys?
What is the Piedmont?
In which location would you find the coldest temperatures?
What are the mountains of north Georgia?
Some oil from a lawn mower leaked into a pond in Maggie's yard. What probably happened to the plants in the pond?
What is the plants in the pond died?
How are grasses adapted to living places that have fires?
What is their roots grow back quickly?
Which of the following is NOT a renewable resource? a. sunlight b. trees c. air d. gasoline
What is gasoline?
Brendan is starting a club at his school to help conserve natural resources. Which of these ideas would NOT conserve resources? a. recycling aluminum soda cans. b. reusing cloth lunch bags. c. using plastic forks instead of metal ones. d. turning off lights when no one is in a room.
What is using plastic forks instead of metal ones?
Rodney did a report on frogs. He read about frogs that have extra or missing legs. What type of pollution is most likely causing this to happen?
What is water pollution?
Which plants most likely have features for removing extra salt from their leaves and stems?
What is plants ina marsh near the ocean?
Which of these activities is a direct cause of water pollution? a. using plastic bags instead of paper. b. spraying chemical fertilizer on your lawn. c. not recycling your bottles and cans. d. driving a car that uses a lot of gasoline.
What is spraying chemical fertilizer on your lawn?
In which ecosystem would you expect to find a duck, a frog and a water lily?
What is the Okefenokee swamp?
Which is the BEST way for a class to gather information they need to make a map of the habitats near their school? a. They could look at an online encyclopedia about habitats and write a report. b. The could explore different locations around the school and take pictures. c. They could all explore one area and make guesses about what the other areas are like. d. They could each write a report about a different habitat and then compare one another's reports.
What is they could explore one area and make guesses about what the other areas are like?
Freshwater habitats include lakes, rivers, and streams. Which animal lives in a freshwater habitat? a. bottlenose dolphin b. right whale c. brown pelican d. rainbow trout
What is rainbow trout?
What happens when a forest is cut down?
What is animals are harmed because they lose their shelter?
In what hilly region of Georgia could you find hickory and oak trees and river valleys?
What is the Piedmont?
What happens to a chipmunk when it hibernates?
What is its hearbeat rate slows?
The warbler is a migrating bird. During which month will the warbler migrate from Canada to the United States?
What is October?
Which Georgia habitat has dry, sandy soil and the fewest types of plants?
What is dunes at the beach?