Wetlands/ comparing
Zones and Succession

What are adaptations?

Science booklet- pg. 3

How a plant or animal adjusts to survive in the environment


What are the adaptations/features of Sedges that helps them survive in their environment?

- Roots grow in soggy ground and near the surface to keep plant sturdy in the ground

- Hollow leaves let air travel from leaves down to the roots

What are the adaptations/features of a beaver that helps them survive in their environment?

- Uses tail as a rudder to steer

- Webbed feet to swim fast

- Has a water repellent coat


Which zone has the most plants and animals in it?

Science booklet- pg. 18

Emergent zone


What is the difference between behavioral and physical adaptations?

Science booklet- pg. 3

Physical: modification to the structure of a living thing's body to help it survive

Behavioral: a modification to the way a living thing acts to help it survive


What does abiotic mean? Give an example of something abiotic

Science booklet- pg. 2

Non living.  If something is abiotic then it isn't living. 

Ex. Rocks


What are the adaptations/features of a Spike rush that helps them survive in their environment?

- Hollow stems to let air travel to the roots

- Seeds are at the top so they have max. wind exposure

- Grow in clumps to support each other


What are the adaptations/features of a frog that helps them survive in their environment?

- Have long hind legs for jumping

- Webbed feet

- Breath through skin


What is emergent zone?

Science booklet- pg. 18

The highest zone, near the shore 


Name one thing that only ducks have

Name one thing that only frogs have

Name one thing that frogs and ducks both have in common

Answers may vary- Science booklet page 16


What does biotic mean?

Science booklet- pg. 2

Living.  If something is biotic then it is living. 

Ex. Fish


What are the adaptations/features of Cattails that helps them survive in their environment?

- Hollow stems to help air get to the roots

- Make fluffy seeds that can be carried by wind

- Roots are thick to help them stand up


What are the adaptations/features of a Mallard duck that helps them survive in their environment?

- webbed feet for swimming

- hold breath under water

- can take off out of water to get away from predators


What is floating zone?

Science booklet- pg. 18

It is in between the emergent zone and submergent zone.  Not the deepest point but also not the lowest point


Name one animal and plant from each of the three zones 

(answers may vary- science booklet page 18)


Is water deep or shallow in a wetland?

Science booklet- pg. 2



What are the adaptations/features of Duckweed that helps them survive in their environment?

- Hollow leaves to stay afloat

- Seeds stay inside until plant dies and then sink to the bottom and start new plants

- Grow fast to keep pop. up


What are the adaptations/features of a Damselfly that helps them survive in their environment?

- When eggs hatch they have tiny claws to hang onto the ground

- regulate temperature by beating wings


What is submergent zone?

Science booklet- pg. 18

Deepest zone.  Looks at the bottom of the pond


How many types of Wetlands are there and what are they?  Explain the 2 big types as well and where the types of wetlands fit into those types

Science booklet- pg. 8

There are 5 different types of wetlands: 

Bog (musk), fen, marsh, swamp, shallow water

The two big types are Peatlands and non-peatlands

Peatlands: bog (musk), fen

Non-Peatlands: swamp, marsh and shallow water


What are wetlands?

Science booklet pg. 3

A wetland is a place that is saturated with water. Animals and plants have specific adaptations to live in these ecosystems.  


What are the adaptations/features of Coontail that helps them survive in their environment?

- Have no roots, it floats through water

- Pieces break off and make new plants

- Don’t need much sunlight or warm water, so they can survive winter


What are the adaptations/features of a Water Strider that helps them survive in their environment?

- Tiny hairs on legs to help keep on top of water

- Walk on water with/ using a rowing motion


What is succession?

Picture in science booklet- pg. 19

The process of sediment slowly building up in ponds. Ponds start with not much and then there becomes more and more plants etc.


Match the wetland to the description:

- Shallow water                      - Bogs

- Marshes                              - Fens

- Swaps

Shallow water, marshes 

a. located in northern areas; formed from peat; slow-moving water

b. located in wooden areas; gentle flowing water between trees

c. located in northern areas; acidic water with low levels of oxygen

d. standing open water that is smaller than a lake

e. surrounded by soft-stemmed plants that grow across the wetland

Answers in science booklet- pg. 4

Shallow water: D

Marshes: E

Swamps: B

Bogs: C

Fens: A