Mental Health 1
Mental Health 2
Mental Health 3
Mental Health 4

Definition: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person - common in the world of mental health.


Stigma can make people feel alone, embarrassed, ashamed, and often prevents them from seeking treatment when they need it. One way to reduce stigma about mental illness is to use people first language. For example, avoid saying that individual is an addict, and instead say that individual is struggling with an addiction. 

Person-First Language; puts the person before the disability or the condition and emphasizes the value and worth of the individual. 


True or False: There is a direct link between gut health and mental health



What is a cause of stress

Upcoming tests (unprepared for), too much homework/ heavy workload, lack of support, high expectations, upcoming changes, challenging relationships, etc.


What is a common technique you can use to calm down when you are upset / dysregulated / anxious

Deep Breathing 


In our district we have a number of resources to support those who may be having thoughts of suicide, or experiencing a crisis. Who are these resources?

Kids Help Phone 

Thunder Bay Crisis Response 



True or False: Being isolated from others is heathy


Social isolation and loneliness have been linked to increased risk for: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression and anxiety. 


What is important to remember when you become angry

That anger is a positive and useful emotion, IF it is expressed appropriately. 

Think before you react/respond.  

Practice coping skills like deep breathing, counting, and self-talk, etc. 

Walk away and remove yourself from the situation if needed. 


Name one unhealthy way of coping with your emotions

Substance abuse/ misuse, emotional eating, self-harm, isolation, impulsive or risky behaviors.


True or False: All stress is bad


Good stress: ride a roller coaster, compete in a game, go on a first date, driver's test!

Good stress motivates us! 


List three coping skills

Listen to music, talk to someone, go for a walk, etc...


Which group of individuals are almost 3 times more likely to experience a mental health condition 


2S - Two Spirit 

L - Lesbian 

G - Gay 

B - Bisexual / Bi 

T - Transgender / Trans 

Q - Queer

Q - Questioning 

+ (Plus) - a way to include additional sexual orientations and gender identities under the 2SLGBTQ+ umbrella, including the terms listed below. For some, the plus stands for love and acceptance. 


Protective Factors are things that contribute to mental health, and allow a person to be resilient in the face of challenges. Name two protective factors you hold... 

Answers will vary 


These can be used to reduce stress and improve our mental wellness.

What are coping skills


What is self-care

"Self-care means taking time to do things you enjoy, and taking care of yourself. When used consistently, self-care can reduce stress, relieve uncomfortable emotions, and improve physical health."

(Therapist Aid, LLC)


Describe the 5-4-3-2-1 Coping Strategy 

A technique that asks you to find things you can see, smell, hear, touch, and taste (5 senses) to calm down when feeling anxious or distressed. 


Help Seeking is important and there's no problem or challenge too big or too small to ask for help. 

In our community we have a number of services/organizations...

SGDSB Mental Health Workers 

SGDSB Child and Youth Workers

Mental Health Nurse - Cassandra

North of Superior Counselling Programs 

Dilico - Mental Health / Counsellors 

Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868

Suicide Crisis Helpline 9-8-8


True or False: Compassion is only something we engage in with others... 

False - self-compassion is also very important!


The act of recognizing and acknowledging the good things that happen, resulting in a state of appreciation and improved mood...



Our Four Value Commitments 

Be Here

Be Safe

Take Care of Self and Others 

Let Go and Move Forward 


Name one thing you've done for yourself or someone else 

Responses will vary