History & Law
Popular pro-choice arguments
Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Organizations
Fetal Development
Just for you! (about you)

What Supreme Court case legalized abortion in 1973, before being reversed in 2022? 

Roe v. Wade (1973)


Where can you learn more about responding to pro-choice arguments? 

Students for Life Headquarters
Students for Life Youtube
Students for Life social media
The Explicitly Pro-Life Podcast
-- other answers may be accepted --


What organization commits the most abortions in the United States each year, about one third?

Planned Parenthood


When does a human being's life begin?

Fertilization / conception


Why are you pro-life? 

Tell us!


True or false: Anything another student organization does on campus, we can do too.

True: The 1st Amendment protects your right to speak out just the same as other groups. 

Email FreeSpeech@studentsforlife.org if you are being discriminated against because of your pro-life views.


Respond to, "It's my body, my choice!"

The baby has distinct DNA from you. It is dependent on your body, but no less valuable. Your rights end where someone else’s rights begin. 


What pro-life organization prays for 40 days outside of abortion facilities?

40 Days for Life


True or false: Twins become twins at 10 weeks gestation.


Fraternal twins (Two Eggs) - Both are conceived at different times, and are twins because they were in the womb together.

Identical twins (One egg, which split in two at conception) - Also conception, when the woman's egg is fertilized and forms the babies, the egg splits in two, which is why identical twins have identical DNA.


Name a pro-life charity in our community.

40 Days for Life, Pregnancy Help Centers, etc.


True or false: The pro-choice lobby fights against legislation to require informing chemical abortion patients that their abortion can be reversed shortly after the first pill is taken.

True! Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and others are quick to discount the lifesaving effects of Abortion Pill Reversal and do not wish to share the possibility of reversal with patients, telling them it's irreversable and not safe. Over 3,000 lives have been saved! (70+% of those who took mifeprostone, then Abortion Pill Reversal)


Respond to, "Don't like abortions? Then don't have one!"

We regularly advocate for things that don't effect us. You can be against slavery without being a slave, you can be against domestic abuse without being involved, etc. Another human being dies in an abortion and it's our job to be their voice.


Instead of Planned Parenthood, where can women can go for better, non-violent healthcare? Name one alternative option.

Many places! Federally Qualified Health Centers, Pregnancy Centers, and many other doctor's offices.


When does the heart begin to beat? 

16-24 days following conception / at 3 weeks


Is there an abortion facility in our town? 

Sadly, there are - But nonetheless, abortion is still illegal in our great state!


What is the Hyde Amendment?

The Hyde Amendment prevents our federal tax dollars from funding abortions.


Respond to, "chemical abortion is safe." 

1. When the result is someone's death (they baby's), it should never be considered safe.
2. Women can get unsafe, unmarked, and unregulated abortion pills from foreign countries via mail.
3. In some states women can legally get chemical abortion pills via telemed appointments. No confirmation of pregnancy, testing for Rh negative, or confirming how far along she is. You don't have to see the doctor in person, ever.
4. It has killed 24 women since 2000 and injured thousands more. (That we know of).
5. It has a 5% failure rate.
6. Chemical abortions are the modern-day back-alley abortion. 


What organization helps over 1,400 pro-life student groups across the country? 

Students for Life of America


When is the age of viability (when a baby can survive outside of the womb)?

About 22-24 weeks.


Who is your Students for Life Regional Coordinator?

Ms. Faith Elwonger is the Texas Regional Coordinator!


What did Roe's reversal do for the states?

It gave states power to legislate abortion without federal restrictions.


Respond to, "What about overpopulation?"

Overpopulation is a myth. Even if the world were overpopulated, that would not justify killing.


Name an effort/initiative of Students for Life of America's that you can join.

Your local student group
Leadership Fellowships
The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities
Standing with Your efforts
Students for Life Action efforts
A local lobby day or rally
Anything with your Regional Coordinator


When can the preborn feel pain?

As early as 12 weeks, but definitely by 20 weeks.  


How late can abortions be committed in your state?

NEVER! Abortions are ILLEGAL in Texas!

