What is...
True or False
Fill in the blank
What is...
Can you name it

What are some things you can do if you notice a friend is in need of support but not asking for help. 

Be a supportive friend, talk to them, tell a trusted adult of your concerns, give resources if needed


True or False: All Stress is Bad

False- Good stress: ride a roller coaster, compete in a game, go on a first date, Play a game in the classroom.


Teens need ________ hours of sleep in order to maintain good health and wellness

8-10 hours


What is a cause of stress?

Upcoming Tests, Too Much Homework, A Heavy Workload, Lack Of Organization, Too Little “Down Time”, Poor Sleep Schedule, Lack Of Support, Transitioning To A New Environment, Classes That Are Too Hard


Can you name at least two coping skills

Listen to music, talk to someone, go for a walk, write in a journal etc...


 What is self-care?

"Self-care means taking time to do things you enjoy, and taking care of yourself. When used consistently, self-care can reduce stress, relieve uncomfortable emotions, and improve physical health."

(Therapist Aid, LLC)


True or False: Being isolated from others is healthy. 


loneliness has been found to raise levels of stress, impede sleep and, in turn, harm the body. Loneliness can also develop depression or other mental health disorders 


Vitamin ______ that you can get from the sun, helps you maintain bone strength, fight diseases and cancer, lose weight, and stay happy.

Vitamin D


What are some ways you cope with your emotions

Any answer is valid


Name one unhealthy way of coping with your emotions.

Substance abuse, Excessive alcohol consumption, Emotional eating, Self-harm, Isolation, Impulsive or risky behaviors 


What are things that can promote positive mental health?

Exercise, mindfulness, positive friendships, talking about your problems, having an outlet for anger and frustration, getting enough sleep, eating healthy


True or False: Poor mental health increases the risk for long-lasting (chronic) physical conditions like heart disease, stroke, and cancer.



A person who is physically sick goes to see a doctor of medicine, a person who is experiencing mental health concerns goes to see a ____?

Therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor

What is a consequence of not getting enough sleep?

What is lack of concentration, being impatient, not motivated, tiredness, exhaustion


Name the practice of focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

What is meditation


What is the most common mental health disorder in high school students 



True or false: Mental illness is caused by personal weakness.

False. Mental illness is caused by a number of factors including biological factors, stressful or traumatic life events, and long-lasting health conditions such as heart disease or cancer.

_________ group of individuals are almost 3 times more likely to experience a mental health condition

Members of LGBTQ+ community

What is a common technique you can use to calm down when you are upset that requires you catching your breaths? 

Deep Breathing


Name a feeling that stigma causes people with mental health disorders to feel

Shame, not good enough, loneliness  


What are some factors that can contribute to stress during adolescence include...

exposure to adversity, peer pressure, exploration of identity, home life, quality of social circle.


True or False: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a source of stress for many people.


___________ is  a mental health disorder that affects 13% of all teens and is characterized by feelings of hopelessness, guilt, irritability, and loss of interest in hobbies or activities

What is depression?


What is one thing you can try to remember when you become angry?

STOP and think before acting. 

Respond, don't react

Practice coping skills (deep breathing, counting, self-talk, etc.)

Walk away and remove yourself from the situation if needed. 


Name one reason why mental illness is common in the U.S?

Rise in social media, the COVID-19 pandemic, societal trends, and less community involvement
