Plot Events
Key Ideas

Who does Waverly plan to marry? (Pg. 167)

Rich Schields


Why did Waverly give up on the idea of giving notice to her mother that she is going to marry? (Pg. 167)

After the miserable/unsuccessful lunch and attempt to bring her mother into a good mood.


Describe Marlene's relationship with Waverly (Pg. 167)



Give an example of any key idea in this chapter.

1. Relationships

2. Disapproval/Approval of Parents

3. Love

4. American Vs. Chinese

5. Foreign Cultures


Who was Waverly's first marriage? (Pg. 174)

Marvin Chen


What kind of person does Waverly depict of her mother? (Pg. 167)

"She never thinks anybody is good enough for anything.""She never thinks anybody is good enough for anything."


What challenges does Waverly face when trying to introduce Rich to her mother? (Pg. 167-168)

Everytime she brings up Rich, her mother would always find a way to change the subject


What key idea is being emphasized in the dinner table incident? (Pg. 177 - 178)

Points given to any answer relating to cultural differences, foreign culture, and cultural adaptation.


Who was Waverly's friend? What insights/conclusions does she give of Waverly's situation? (Pg. 173)

Marlene Ferber; Marlene doesn't quite understand Waverly and believes she should stand up to her mother and tell her to stop "torturing" Waverly.


How was Waverly's relationship with her future husband? How did she explain his love? Explain. (Pg. 175)

Waverly seems describe Rich's love as unequivocal; nothing coul change it. His expectations were low and expected nothing of Waverly but pure existence.


What was Waverly's relationship with Marvin Chen? How did it conclude? (Pg. 174) *Extra 100 pts if given specifically*

It went from disappointment, to contempt, to apathetic boredom. 


What key idea was being emphasized MOST throughout the whole chapter? Explain.

Points given to any response that relates within the question. Or in pts 100 with good explanation.

What did Waverly’s mom think of Rich? How does this affect Waverly? Infer. (Pg. 177)

Waverly's mom seems to comment about spots on his face. Despite this, after Waverly tells her that the spots were "goodluck" she seems to brush it off. 


How did the mother think of Rich in the dinner table? Infer.  (Pg. 178)

If given reasonable and well constructed answer, point is provided. No wrong or right answer, just practicing well constructed answers with evidence.

Ultimately, while not directly stated in the text, does Waverly's mother approve of this marriage between Waverly and her soon to be husband? Why? Or Why not? Infer. 

Any well constructed response with evidence  (bonus 100pts if possible) will be accepted and counted as a score.


What key idea was emphasized in the downfall of Waverly's first marriage? Explain.

1. Untruthfulness

2. Dishonesty

(Any within this genre counts as a point)


Who was Waverly fighting for? What does this mean? (Pg. 183)

Waverly is fighting for herself, she understood then that she had built a barrier between herself and her mother. (Will further explain in class)

Juxtapose the previous chapter "Rice Husband" and "Four Directions", how does spots in this story differ from spots in the previous chapter. (Pg. 177) *Prior Knowledge of Last Chapter*

Rice Husband seems to use spots as a bad omen. The spots indicate for every grain that Lena doesn't finish on her bowl of rice, the more pock marks would form on her future husband. While for "Four Directions" it is used as good luck.


What was Waverly's relationship with her mother? Infer. Give examples. Give evidence from the book.

Point is given if well constructed and examples with evidence is given.

Think of a key idea that relates to this chapter that can be applied into the real world, excluding all the key ideas that were listed in the 100 pt.

Points given to a well constructed answer making use of applications to the real world.